Between the 20th and the 23rd of April, the Book Festival took place at our school. On the opening day we received the writer Francisco Caldeira who held two animation sessions for reading. Our guest pointed out that, in addition to reading and other content, one of the most important things you learn at school is the value of Friendship. Then he told, in an original way and with the interaction of the children, some stories. Finally, Professor Francisco made a very funny question game that caused a lot of laughter in the audience. The students really enjoyed these unique moments.

On April 21, the single phase of the “Literary Triathlon” Competition was held at the Ilha Mágica dos Livros Library. This edition counted with the participation of six competitors from 4ºA. Despite the typical nervousness, the contestants did well and replied to the winning student.

On the 22nd and 23rd of April, in order to end the celebrations of World Book Day, all classes (Pre-School and Primary) were presented, in the Library, with a fun storytelling session, promoted by some 3rd and 4th grade students. Then, all classes had the opportunity to experience the “Game of Glory” on the classic tales of children’s literature. They were moments of great joy and fun.

Alongside these activities, an exhibition with students’ works on the theme The Magic World of Fairies and on the work of the month Lauri a Fada da Madeira by guest Francisco Caldeira took place in the entrance hall. In addition, the “Top Leitor” award was given to the best student in the Library activity of each class of the Primary School.

To see all the photos from the Book Festival 2021, click HERE.

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