About Candle Wisdom

Candle Wisdom is a project (2018-2020) under the Erasmus+ Programme of Strategic Partnerships for Schools, which joins primary schools in Latvia, Finland, Italy, Turkey and Portugal with the aim of meeting the needs of the modern world, with large implications for literacy.

Interaction is increasingly conducted through social networks, particularly among young people. However, good literacy skills are an essential prerequisite for being able to participate actively and civically in society.

Digitalization, labor market, social and civic participation are factors that require a greater capacity to assess information critically, in the context of an apparently infinite universe in available options. Good literacy skills are needed to manage our health, remain socially active and politically involved.

In a long-term perspective, the expected goal is to improve the overall level of literacy among students in all partner schools and their local communities.

Schools are expected to adapt the innovative methods learned during the project in their teaching and learning programs.



strengthen and develop closer and more regular cooperation between partner schools


promote the development of innovative educational processes facilitating literacy


awareness of the importance of a high level of literacy skills in modern society


promote the personal and professional development of the teachers involved


Our Partners


Pļavniekkalna Sākumskola


Viikkalan koulu


Istituto Comprensivo Europa


Selcuklu Ibrahim Yapici Ilkokulu

EB1/PE da Marinheira

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Latest News

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Book Festival

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Concurso de Leitura em Voz Alta

Reading Aloud Contest

On March 3, 2021, we gave the prizes to the winners of the 1st Edition of the Reading Aloud Contest. The texts were freely chosen by the participants, based mainly on the narrative and poetic…

Poetry Contest

During the months of January and February we held an internal "contest" of poetry. Students demonstrated the need to ask for help from the English teacher.
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Book Fair 2020

The Book Fair 2020 took place between March 10 and 13. This edition had as main theme The Importance of School and had as special guest the writer Francisco Fernandes.